Wednesday, January 29, 2014


Pumlumon, which holds huge carbon in its peat and rich in biodiversity, is one of the highest points of the Cambrian mountain. It is the largest watershed in Wales. Eight rivers are originated from the Pumlumon. However, this site has been facing various threats in recent decades. Between 1950 and 1960 drainage to improve grazing started and that is considered to be the main cause of biodiversity loss and peat erosion. Excessive sheep grazing is also one of the major problems of this area.
As a response, to minimize consequences of excessive degradation of this huge landscape, the
Pumlumon view
Pumlumon project was started in 2007. The aim of this project is to recreate key habitats. These include:

·      Restoration of bogs by ditches blocking.
·       Repairement of hydrology of wetlands.
·      Woodland planting.
·      Fencing large areas of banks to create wildlife corridors.
Drainage ditches
·      Wetlands

As a result of Pumlumon project and hard efforts of authorities, the following positive outcomes are observed:
·      Ditch blocking helped to enhance water holding capacity and raise water table.
·      After 4 years of project implication and start of mix grazing, the heather returned to species poor grassland.

As a result of successful attempts till now, authorities are hoping for better results in future to conserve this magnificent landscape.